Akashic Healing


We will work together closely to heal your heart and soul, strengthen your skills, and help you become an even more beautiful and clear channel for the Akashic Records.



  • Essential Spiritual Counseling techniques and practices
  • Energetic Activations to Open Your Intuition and Increase your Experience of Divine Love
  • Alignment to your Soul's Divine Mission (Life Purpose)
  • Deep Emotional and Spiritual Healing
  • Practicing as an Akashic Records Consultant

You will also receive powerful transmissions of energy from the Records to release the emotional patterns that no longer serve you and to give you a new sense of freedom, clarity, and confidence in yourself.

You will become the bright light you were meant to be and learn how to use these practices to be a powerful facilitator for others as well.

What could be more beautiful than that? :)

Register Now!

Register for AR Level 2

Course Format

  • Eight 90 to 120-minute Zoom video sessions facilitated by Brynne Dippell, Ph.D.
  • Become a clear channel for the Records
  • Heal yourself and others through Intentional Prayer treatments
  • Receive direct support and guidance on your Akashic Records sessions
  • Live Demo Sessions and breakout groups to enhance your skills in real time
  • Weekly practice sessions and homework assignments to provide gentle accountability
  • Certification as a Professional Akashic Records Consultant
  • Class Time: Wednesdays at 9:30 am Pacific / 12:30 pm Eastern
  • Class Dates: July 10, 17, 24, 31; August 7, 14, 21, 28, 2024 

50% Complete

Two Step

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